
The Institute news source has been around since the dusk of the civil war, when the great Institution of WPI sprang to life. It is the world’s longest running, publicly acclaimed, kid-tested, parent-approved, Tech School news source that doesn’t completely suck ass. This unedited, often grammatically incorrect, news source explores the institutional nature of our great, private Tech School. Viewership fluctuates between 69 and 3,141,592 daily.

The Institute has evolved into the single most renowned and influential news source in the Worcester County area, delivering real-time news to a dull and dying city. Our staff aims to use our pretentious engineering degrees to take away jobs from thousands of journalism and communications majors, putting them on the street where they can develop skills and someday become contributing members of society.

Additionally, The Institute has secured the real Goat’s Head Trophy, the entire vintage collection of Nickelback albums, and owns the second largest collection of Nicholas Cage posters in the world, second only to Nicholas Cage himself.

If you have any questions, insults, or article ideas you’d like to throw our way, you can send them by carrier pigeon or just use the form below.
All articles are satire and not meant to be taken seriously. The Institute is not affiliated with or endorsed by Worcester Polytechnic Institute. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


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