Sign the Petition: “Pokemon Go for Fitness” Gym Class


Because an unfortunate majority of our readers are now battling life-threatening addictions to a Japanese video game reboot, The Institute has decided to be an enabler. So please take a second, stop chasing after your Jigglypuff, and sign the petition below:

Dear WPI,

In order to satisfy the needs of the WPI community, we are suggesting the implementation of a new gym class, “Pokemon Go for Fitness”. We need this. Like actually.

[Concerned Student]

If we reach our goal of 300 signatures (which sadly, we probably will), we will send a handwritten letter to the WPI Physical Education Department. So share it on Facebook, Snapchat, or whatever the kids are using these days. We suggest an accompanying message such as: “Please help. This is my only hope for completing my gym requirement. #teammysticforlife”

[emailpetition id=”3″]


Look, you’re not alone! All these other hopeless addicts also want this:

[signaturelist id=”3″] 

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