Greasy Pretzels, Sticky Fingers to Top off $49 Million Innovation Studio

Despite pesky student feedback requesting, “a 21st century restaurant” and “literally anything that doesn’t make me gassy,” WPI is moving forward with bold plans...

“Foisie’s Open Floor Plan Perfect For Closing Large Sections Off” Says WPI Administration

In last Monday’s press release, WPI administration clarified that the I&E room in Foisie Innovation Studio will be closed to the public starting on...

Administration Approves ‘Keystone Light XL’ Pipeline to Deliver Low Quality Beer to Fraternities

Under new administration, the Keystone XL pipeline has been seeking new ownership after deals with the US government fell through. Excitingly, this came with...

COVID Testing Proctors Replaced with Inflatable Tube Men

Citing budget cuts and a realization that it was the easiest job in the world, WPI has begun replacing covid test administrators with large...

Uptick in COVID Cases Results in “Gulag” Battles at Townhouses

Due to student body confusion surrounding the message of “don’t leave campus” over WPI’s abbreviated spring break, there has been an increase...
Excavator drops MQP reports into an open pit

Huge Pit Reopened, Marking Annual Burial of MQP Reports

Excavators were spotted in a blaze of mechanical fury early Monday morning by Atwater Kent¹. As any WPI veteran will tell you,...

Foisie Name Stripped, But Digital Consciousness Remains

Many students were shocked today to see the face of WPI donor Robert Foisie on the propaganda screen of the Innovation...

Administration Preps for Accepted Students, Orders Facilities to Neglect Places Tour Groups Won’t See

Spring is in the air. For WPI, this means two things: a slightly decreased sense of student misery and a vast increase in potential...

WPI Contemplates Move to ½-Ply

Citing economical reasons, administrators announced this past week that they are considering replacing the already-brutal 1-ply toilet paper in all residence halls and academic...

WPI Greek Life Bans Solo Cups From All Fraternities

After reports surfaced over the weekend of a single Natural Light beer being poured into a solo cup somewhere on campus, the administration’s top...