Card-Spinning CC Cashier Draws Thousands, Increases WPI Revenue 300%
Picture this. You’re about to purchase a burrito bowl from WPI’s world-class campus center cafe. As you’re drenching your meal in Siracha you look...
COVID Testing Proctors Replaced with Inflatable Tube Men
Citing budget cuts and a realization that it was the easiest job in the world, WPI has begun replacing covid test administrators with large...
Jug Club Exposed: Who Are They and Why Are They so Hydrated?
Simultaneously fashionable and functional, the gallon water jug is perfect for your average buff dude on the go. Before the jug, dehydration prevailed, its...
Freshman Attends Plant Parenthood Looking For Contraceptives
Recently The Institute has received multiple reports of mass confusion at the WPI Campus Event: Plant Parenthood. While the majority of students were extremely...
Smart World Tapestry Taken Down After Lack of Socially Distanced Photos
One of The Institute’s correspondents was knocked off their feet by a strong blast of wind while walking by the Smart World...
Junior Sets Record! Complains About ID 2050 for 2 Weeks Straight!
Sources reported last week that WPI junior, Ashleigh Johnson, officially smashed the world record for longest ID 2050 complaint session by ranting ceaselessly for...