Excavator drops MQP reports into an open pit

Huge Pit Reopened, Marking Annual Burial of MQP Reports

Excavators were spotted in a blaze of mechanical fury early Monday morning by Atwater Kent¹. As any WPI veteran will tell you,...

Campus Events Email Stuck for 8 Months; Finally Sends

On Sunday, April 8th, students witnessed the return of the second most important publication at WPI. Outlook inboxes pinged triumphantly with the arrival of...

Students Sit in Gym For 12 Hours to Raise Money for CEO’s Mansion

The campus bustles as students, faculty, and staff prepare for another year of Relay for Life, taking place in the Recreation Center this upcoming...


It’s that special time of year again, a time full of sisterhood, opportunity, and a whole lot of judging in the ‘mutual selection process’...

A Freshman’s Guide to DAKA Hacks

The Institute staff compiled this list of 10 essential tips and tricks to help you survive your first year in dining hall paradise. 1. Stack...

Foisie Name Stripped, But Digital Consciousness Remains

Many students were shocked today to see the face of WPI donor Robert Foisie on the propaganda screen of the Innovation...

Move-In Day To Sweep Greek Life Under Giant Welcome Mat

As Move-In Day 2018 approaches, WPI is tidying up its campus image by rolling out an enormous red carpet – directly over its beloved...

Endangered Fraternity Chapter Shut Down After Negligent Parent Lets Child Wander From Tour

The internet is in a tizzy after videos surfaced last week of a young boy wandering into a fraternity house. Four-year old Johnny Johnson,...

WPI to Add New “Intro to the East Coast” Class for West Coast Natives

According to library historian Ben Dover, there didn’t used to be a need for this sort of intro class. However, as WPI’s marketing and...

Introducing SNAP X Premium Shuttles; Sleek, Luxurious, Still Not on Time

As part of an exciting new initiative to suck less during the 2017-2018 academic year, WPI’s SNAP transportation service has unveiled its new premium...