Excavator drops MQP reports into an open pit

Huge Pit Reopened, Marking Annual Burial of MQP Reports

Excavators were spotted in a blaze of mechanical fury early Monday morning by Atwater Kent¹. As any WPI veteran will tell you,...

WPI Student Celebrates Super Bowl 50 with Overwhelming Indifference

When asked if he would be siding with Panthers or the Broncos in tonight’s “big game,” WPI junior, Gerald Franklin informed The Institute that...

A9 Says Switching to Skittles the Breakthrough They Need

Following a string of panic attacks and pepper sprays to the face, sources reported that anonymous spirit organization, Animus Novem (A9), is looking to...

4 Fun Ways to Visualize Your Soul-Crushing College Tuition!

Happy first day of class! Lots of memories to be made this year and lots of cash to be spent. But how much cash?...

Uptick in COVID Cases Results in “Gulag” Battles at Townhouses

Due to student body confusion surrounding the message of “don’t leave campus” over WPI’s abbreviated spring break, there has been an increase...

BREAKING NOW: WPI Unveils Foisie Innovation Waterpark

WORCESTER, MA - In an unexpected development, reports are surfacing that WPI has just unveiled its latest capital improvement project. Workers on-site appeased anxious student onlookers, saying...

Senior Bucket List

It's not like you actually have class as a second semester senior anyway. Here's our bucket list to pass the time until that familiar...

Jug Club Exposed: Who Are They and Why Are They so Hydrated?

Simultaneously fashionable and functional, the gallon water jug is perfect for your average buff dude on the go. Before the jug, dehydration prevailed, its...

Introducing SNAP X Premium Shuttles; Sleek, Luxurious, Still Not on Time

As part of an exciting new initiative to suck less during the 2017-2018 academic year, WPI’s SNAP transportation service has unveiled its new premium...

Tale of 54-Year-Old WPI Janitor Grad to Hit the Big Screen

Sources are reporting that Boston natives Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are putting the finishing touches on the script for their upcoming film, “Better...